ROCKY TOP - making a name for ourselves as the place in the area to hear traditionally-grounded music from top tier full-time touring professionals. The series is limited to 4 shows a year and many in the audience take pains to tell us how much they look forward to each one.
​Performances are quite varied with no compromise in quality. Making it more exciting, each one of us gets the equivalent of front row seats, we get to meet the performers in an informal setting and to get to know them. Part of their reward is getting to know you. Our artists love to play here for that reason. You could pay $50 or $100 for a seat and be one of 1000, looking with opera glasses at a speck on the stage - that's not what we do. It's intimate and friendly. Expect a magic evening.
Located on a main road halfway between Albany and Utica, Rocky Top is a residence, perched upon a limestone escarpment and overlooking a waterfall. Go no further than the deck to see it. Our rooms merge into a 470 ft2 “warm” room, highlighted by large beams which support a ceiling of Southern Yellow Pine. This room can seat 35-40 friendly people and at select times each year it becomes home to the “Rocky Top Concert Series”. From the road, Rocky Top cannot be seen; a sign by the road gives it away. There is ample parking. Many arrive early to visit our gardens or the orchid greenhouse or partake in a pot-luck meal. Others stay afterward and jam, inspired by the music they have just witnessed.
"Thank you so much for inviting us into your home for the concert. Jim and I enjoyed it so much!!! Haven't had so much fun
in such a long time. Food was delicious, people were fun, and the performers were outstanding! Again Thank you and your
wife for such hospitality,...would love to come again." - Terri
Prices are merely suggested; please give as you are able. Performers make their living through your generosity. Performances most often take place Friday or Saturday evenings or late Sunday afternoon. Only not always. We take performers when they are in the area and available; that's how you can get to see an entertainer of top caliber so inexpensively and in such an intimate setting.
In theory, guests are here by invitation. Most are on our email list and receive invitations that way (sign up if you are not on it already), though others find out about us and ask to attend. If you want to be here, we want you to come. We'll never have too many friends.

Why it's "Rocky Top" - the home is just above this.

Lotta rock - we're well-attached to the world.
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